are sometimes smooth and silky, and other times tired and tight.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A week amongst the Lucchese (Urban)

Old friends of mine moved to Tuscany a few years ago, and have been raving about it ever since. I'm not quite sure why the stars never aligned, apart from the usual money/time/etc, but I had yet to pay them a visit. A month ago an impromptu invitation was extended. I perused a few budget airline websites, found a good price, and bought a ticket. Three weeks later I landed in Pisa, with a carry on bag containing bike kit, a toothbrush, and some street clothes. Just my luck, there was a spare bike, which happened to be the same make, model, and size as my own, waiting for me. Now that's what I call hospitality.

Herewith, some pics.

While Lucca was where I would be staying, this is (more or less) the terrain that I covered.

Looking down on to Lucca.

The famous city walls of old Lucca, built to keep the Fiorentini out.

In the past they were used for car races. These days, the only racing done on them is cyclo-cross.

Start grid from the last race.

If you want to go for a ride on the 4km circuit, you can pay extortionate rates to rent a bike at this place.

Some of the Lucchese prefer to keep it simple.

The back streets provide some welcome shade from the searing heat.

Some sights.

Torre Guinigi.

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro.

San Michele in Foro.

Stairway to heaven.

Duomo di Lucca.

While at was inside the Duomo, I thought I heard thunder (the skies were looking ominous).

It turned out to be something completely different.

I left the piazza, and walked towards the sound.

First seeing some immaculately attired motorcycle cops.

Then seeing what was the cause of the commotion: Placebo doing a sound check for their evening concert.

Both tourists and locals enjoyed the 'show.'

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